今や伝説とも呼ばれるMASH復刻タイガー。過去3度の復刻がなされた中で、最終(2000年)制作『1964-65年 APA(在日米軍物資調達本部)発注、シルバータイガー』です。
サイズ A-L
The MASH Tiger reissue is now considered legendary. Of the three reissues made in the past, the final one (2000) was the Silver Tiger, ordered by APA (United States Armed Forces Japan) in 1964-65.
The item being offered for sale this time is a Silver Tiger jacket that has been aged (faded) over the years.
This is a 新品 item, so please refrain from bidding if you are sensitive about vintage clothing.
Size: A-L
The size is Asian L, but it is made to be tight, so it is equivalent to M.