Traditional Japanese Samurai Armor with Intricate Carvings and Decorations
•Type: Armor
•Design: Samurai Armor (Katchu)
•Size: Approximately 160 cm tall when assembled
•Material: Wood, Metal, Fabric
•Features: Authentic traditional Japanese samurai armor
•Decoration: Exquisite carvings and detailed embellishments
•Color: Red, Gold, Black
•Helmet Design: Distinctive with two horns
•Face Design: Fierce, demon-like expression
This stunning piece embodies the craftsmanship and artistry of traditional samurai armor. A perfect addition to a collection, museum, or an impressive display piece for enthusiasts of Japanese history and culture.
- タイプ: 武具
- デザイン: 甲冑
- 素材: 木製、金属、布
- 特徴: 伝統的な日本の武士の鎧
- 装飾: 精緻な彫刻と装飾
- 色: 赤、金、黒
- ヘルメットのデザイン: 二本の角が特徴的
- 顔のデザイン: 鬼のような表情