洋書 Boris Rumer (編)『中央アジア自由化の最終局面(Central Asia at the End of the Transition)』(M. E. Sharpe)449ページ/定価:69.99ドル/2005年出版
編者略歴:「An associate of the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harverd University.」
内容:「For better or worse, the former Soviet republics of Central Asia have largely completed their post-independence transitions. Over more than a decade, they have established themselves as independent states whose internal regimes and external relations have characteristic patterns and vulnerabilities both individually and as a group. The purpose of this volume is to assess both what has been accomplished and the trends of development in the region, especially its leading states. How sound are the foundations of this "bulwark against the spread of terrorism" in Eurasia?」
サイズ:22.9 X 15.2 X 2.4 cm
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